Case Results

Through our comprehensive knowledge of the law, extensive case preparation and individualized representation, Law Offices of Mark Daniel Melnick continues to achieve excellent results for our clients. Our recent case results include the following:

February 2018 

(San Fernando Court) Mr. Melnick’s client, who is African American college student, was pulled over and his car was immediately searched. In the trunk the officers found two fire arms and ammunition. They accused him of being a gang member (which he wasn’t) immediately arrested him and he was charged with felony possession of a firearm. Case was dismissed before the preliminary hearing after Mr. Melnick met with the District Attorney.

May 2018

(San Fernando Court) Client was charged with felony possession of a short barreled shotgun, criminal threats and assault with a firearm. All felonies dropped, pled to one misdemeanor count and required to do counseling.

April 2018

Client was caught doing numerous residential burglaries, some of which were on video. She was charged with 4 counts of first degree burglary with a strike prior. The DAs first offer was 6 years state prison at 80% time. After obtaining psych evals and letters of reference, client received probation with time served and counseling.

August 2018

Client was accused of embezzling $238,000 from an elderly family member over a 9 month period. District Attorney offered 2 years state prison. After negotiating restitution payments client was sentenced to 180 days county jail and served a little over a week.

October 2015

Client got into an argument with her Husband and started a fire in the house and then chased him outside with a butcher knife. Charged with domestic violence and assault with a deadly weapon. A plea deal was negotiated and she got no jail and one year of private counseling.