Frequently Asked Questions


If you were charged with drug possession, DUI or domestic violence in Van Nuys County, call attorney Mark Daniel Melnick for criminal defense. 818-981-9777

Hiring a criminal defense attorney after an arrest for a felony or misdemeanor can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. It’s true that you don’t need to retain legal representation after an arrest, but doing so may mean the difference between going to jail or not! Defendants who choose to represent themselves – or allow a public defender to do so – are often unsatisfied with the results.

You have several important rights after an arrest. These include the right to remain silent if questioned by law enforcement officials, the right to a phone call, and the right to legal representation

Defendants who are convicted of their alleged crimes can face a wide variety of consequences, including prison time, expensive fines and fees, mandatory counseling, restitution payments, community service, and others depending on the crime involved. For example, drivers convicted of DUI may be required to have an interlock ignition device installed on their vehicles. Individuals who are found guilty of domestic violence may be prevented from returning to their homes or having regular contact with their kids.

An aggressive criminal defense lawyer can often find ways to beat your case that might not be obvious to you. These include defenses of a technical, scientific, or legal nature, and prosecutors certainly won’t point them out for you. If there’s no way to beat your case or get it dismissed, your criminal defense attorney may be able to get your charges reduced and get you the best possible deal under the circumstances. Also, your lawyer can appear in court on your behalf and take care of all the necessary paperwork associated with your case, while defendants who represent themselves are expected to appear in court repeatedly and handle all the bureaucratic aspects of their case themselves

An arrest for DUI is very similar to an arrest for any other misdemeanor or felony. Drivers who are under arrest for drunk driving often try to make excuses or talk their way out of an arrest. This is a big mistake! Remember that drunk driving is a criminal offense that prosecutors take very seriously. Be polite but keep your mouth shut and contact a Van Nuys DUI attorney as soon as possible after an arrest.

Drug possession or other drug crimes can put a defendant behind bars for years, especially when narcotics like cocaine or heroin are involved. If you are charged with drug possession, you need to take your situation very seriously and contact a seasoned drug crimes attorney immediately.

If you have been arrested for domestic violence or another violent crime in Van Nuys or elsewhere in Los Angeles County, you should speak to a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer about your situation. A conviction for domestic violence can have long term consequences, including losing access to seeing your children or being unable to return to your residence. Don’t take chances with your freedom and your rights after an arrest for domestic violence – contact a criminal defense attorney today.