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Child Molestation Criminal Defense Attorney

Charged with Child Molestation in the San Fernando Valley?

There are few charges that can destroy your reputation in the community faster than an accusation of child molestation.  That is only the beginning of the damage to your life that can result from a conviction in this very serious criminal charge.  If you have been arrested for this offense, it is critical that you contact a child molestation defense lawyer without delay.  The actions taken by the defense in such cases become critical to your future.  If you are convicted of this charge, you will likely face an extended period of time in state prison, and a felony conviction on your criminal record.

Child Molestation Criminal Defense Lawyer in Van Nuys, San Fernando Valley

These charges in some cases have been found to be completely false, and the individual accused is innocent.  Whether innocent or not, you are still faced with the fact that you must defend yourself in court if you hope to avoid conviction.   In such a serious offense, it is crucial that you have an extremely skilled and seasoned defense lawyer to immediately begin the actions for your defense.  At the Law Offices of Mark Daniel Melnick, the legal team is prepared to act quickly on behalf of the client charged with this serious offense.  The defense attorney is creative and aggressive and will exploit any possible flaw in the case relentlessly.  You can be assured that your case will be a priority.  It is understood the damage that can occur if you are convicted of this charge.

When convicted of a child molestation charge, you will be required to become a “registered sex offender”.  This means that any person in your neighborhood can see your name, address and photograph and the crime that you committed.  Moving to another state will not protect you, as these rules exist all across the USA.   It is absolutely critical that you have powerful legal representation fighting for you and that they begin at once if you have been charged with child molestation in Los Angeles.

Whether you are looking for a Burbank Criminal Lawyer, Glendale Criminal Attorney, San Fernando Criminal Lawyer, Van Nuys Criminal Attorney or an attorney in other parts of Los Angeles, the Law Offices of Mark Daniel Melnick is ready to aggressively defend your charges.

If you or a loved one has been charged with a criminal offense, contact a criminal defense attorney from the Law Offices of Mark Daniel Melnick today at (818) 981-9777.