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Child Pornography Criminal Defense Attorneys

Child pornography charges are extremely serious criminal charges that will be aggressively prosecuted, usually by prosecutors that specifically handle sex crimes. Punishments for child pornography offenses can include substantial periods of mandatory incarceration in jail, state prison, or federal prison if the child pornography charges are prosecuted in federal court. Federal law enforcement units become involved when illegal material is distributed across state borders, including through the internet.

Child pornography charges include:

  • Possession of Child Pornography
  • Production of Child Pornographic Material
  • Transmission of Child Pornography
  • Sale of Child Pornography

If you are have been arrested or are under investigation for any child pornography related offense, it is crucial that you immediately contact an expert child pornography criminal defense lawyer.

The criminal defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Mark Daniel Melnick have over 38 years of combined criminal defense experience, and have represented hundreds of individuals charged with all types of sex related crimes. Because no two cases are the same, our legal team will closely evaluate the specific facts and circumstances of your case to formulate the best defense to the specific child pornography charges against you.

In some cases, unlawful images are placed on an individualís computer without their knowledge. In other cases, multiple people may have access to the same computer, resulting in charges being brought against an innocent person. In all cases, it is first necessary to determine that law enforcement did not illegally search and/or seize a person’s property, including internet files.


Van Nuys & San Fernando Child Pornography Defense Attorney

If you or a loved one has been charged with a criminal offense, including child pornography or other sex related charge, immediately contact a criminal defense attorney from the Law Offices of Mark Daniel Melnick at (818) 981-9777.